Spring Means Blooms, Sunshine & Oral Cancer Screenings

April 29, 2021

April is oral cancer awareness month. While not as delightful as the other signs of spring – blooming trees and longer days – a focus on early detection is a beautiful thing. While oral cancer (oral cavity and oropharynx cancers collectively) accounts for almost 3% of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, it is responsible for 1.8% of all cancer deaths. The death rate associated with oral cancer is particularly high because it is ...

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How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Remake Your Smile after Tooth Damage, Loss, or Decay

March 30, 2021

More than half of all respondents in a recent poll said they were insecure about the appearance of their teeth. If tooth damage, loss, or decay has you covering your mouth, take heart in knowing that you're not destined to a tight-lipped smile forever! Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there are several ways we can restore your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is a broad term that refers to any dental work that adjusts the appearance of ...

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Ouch! Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

February 28, 2021

Have you ever winced with sudden pain after gulping an icy beverage or slurping a spoonful of hot soup? If so, you're likely one of the 40 million Americans the Academy of General Dentistry estimates experience tooth sensitivity each year. What causes tooth sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity (i.e., dentin hypersensitivity) occurs when tooth enamel wears away, leaving the dentin exposed. This soft, inner part of your tooth houses thousands of microscopic channels that, when ...

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